Category Archives: Movie

Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer 2 Released Today!

See the all new Guardians of the Galaxy trailer.

This afternoon I watched and refreshed my screen over and over to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie trailer 2 on Facebook where a Live Q&A was happening for the movie. The LIVe Q & A was cool with stars Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista (Batista), Karen Gillan, Director James Gunn, Marvel Studios President & Guardians of the Galaxy Producer Kevin Feige, and surprise guest Vin Diesel! They answered a ton of questions from fans (none of mine) but they did answer so many. I do hope that I can ask my questions to at least some of the cast and crew in person if I am lucky enough to attend a Guardians of the Galaxy event.

Being a child of the 80’s and a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy I want to know what the rest of the songs on Peter Quill’s “Awesome Mix Vol 1” tape. I love that “Hooked on a Feeling” and “Spirit in the Sky” are part of the trailer, they both work so perfectly for me. I am more partial to Spirit in the Sky because it has such a funky beat leading up to the chorus. It is a great driving song.

The trailer features from signature comedy from this team. Peter Quill having plenty of good lines. Rocket being Rocket, Groot in his innocence and deadliness, Then you have Drax and Gamora where one is a force of nature the other is deadly beauty to behold. This is going to be such a fun ride and I cannot wait to see it in the theaters, or sooner if I’m lucky.

Now, when Groot is playing with the Mix tape did anyone catch the Alf Stickers and trading cards plus scratch and sniff stickers, a troll doll and a a Garbage Pail Kids card that is a Quillabaseball. There are many more things to see in the trailer but those were a quick flash and I wanted to see what sort of 80’s stuff Peter Quill might have had on him when he was abducted as a child in the 80’s. Continue reading Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer 2 Released Today!

Disney Teases Live Action Cinderella Movie due March 2015

Cinderella Teaser Poster

With the release of Maleficent this month I think that Disney is banking on taking some of their more popular and iconic characters from their animated movies and making live action movies that tell more of the story. Little under a year from now another iconic Disney character will be reborn in live action. This time the movie is about one of the most iconic Disney Princesses ever, Cinderella. This live action movie will be inspired by the 1950s animated classic and promises to be visually stunning.

Directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring veterans of shows like Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey as well as stars like Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham-Carter the casting and acting is being taken seriously. We’ll be taking Eva to go see this for sure.

Learn more about the Cinderella Movie. Continue reading Disney Teases Live Action Cinderella Movie due March 2015