Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Kitchen Island Conversations

Photo-A-Day #2268

Went over to the house this morning, late. Eva slept till 9:45am. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t being woken up at 6am as usual. It was great to sleep in a bit. Allison went off to work and I took Eva over to the house after I loaded a bunch of her big bulky toys into the truck. I figure that I’m going to have to move them eventually so why not move them over into the garage. At least with the garage I can work around things until it comes time to fix the issues in there. Continue reading Kitchen Island Conversations

Picking Paint and Cleaning the Garage

Clean Garage
Photo-A-Day #2267

Today was another day over at the new house. I started in the garage and there was a lot to be done. When the previous owner remodeled the kitchen the old cabinets were installed in the garage. Over the years those cabinets became havens for mice as evidenced by all the mouse poop I found in those cabinets. The garage is a two car garage and I cleaned out the left side first then moved everything over to the clean side. Then I tore all the cabinets off the wall and moved those over to the left side as well. Continue reading Picking Paint and Cleaning the Garage