Category Archives: Toys

Battroborg named to the Toys R Us Hot List

Last month I went down to New York City to do Battle with my pal Adam Cohen of Dada Rocks! We battled with Battroborg robots. Here is the video.

To celebrate Battroborg being named to the Toys ”R” Us “Hot Toy List” and they’re giving away 100 Battroborg motion controlled battling robots. Join the party and bring home this holiday’s knock out toy! Hurry the celebration won’t last – the 100 Battroborg Battle Giveaway ends this Wednesday(TOMORROW). Visit to enter.

It’s Crush Hour

Photo-A-Day #3089

My favorite character from Skylanders Giants has to be Crusher. He’s just got the coolest look. I got the Granite Crusher character as my very first Skylanders Giants figure and played him for the better part of the first month of playing the game.

I’ve recently begun completing each and every character’s upgrading and leveling up and heroic challenges and quests and more. I just finished all of the Earth Skylanders and am moving on to the Tech Skylanders. This works well because I will be doing another My Favorite Skylander video all about Trigger Happy. It will probably be a while before I get to Crusher.

I’ve got to get a move on because Swap Force comes out in three weeks. Here re some videos to get you more excited. Continue reading It’s Crush Hour