Category Archives: Transformers

Day 1 – Botcon 2007 in Providence Rhode Island

Transformers Comics Haul
Photo-A-Day #811

Checked into my room at the Hotel for the next two nights. This weekend is BotCon 2007 and I am so excited. I have to run and get in line to get my convention package. Then it is on to seeing the movie 2 times tonight. Check out my hotel room key, it is Megatron!

I just came back from Registration. I got two more photos. I met a very nice couple in line, Rick and Emily. I hope to run into them again, pretty down to earth folks. No more photos for the rest of the night, Going to the movie and cannot bring a camera.

Photo-A-Day #811b 06/28/07
Prime welcomes all to BotCon 2007
Photo-A-Day #811b 06/28/07
Swag Pile!

Photos taken with my XShot. Come back Monday to learn more about the XShot, hint, hint. Christine already figured it out.

Photo-A-Day #809 06/26/07

Screenshot, Transformers

I got the new Transformers Wii game this afternoon. And I played for a few hours. And a few more, so today’s photo is of a screenshot of the game. I was playing as heroic BumbleBee. I played once as a Decepticon and the game looks like it follows the movie pretty well. The opening shots are fantastic. There are a few behind the scenes videos at Transformers: The Game. I will have a complete review of my first impressions of the game at BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo tomorrow. Review is now up for Transformers The Game.

But for tonight it is far to late to be up blogging and far to hot to sit in front of a computer screen.

Also I posted the seventh Tech Tuesdays with BenSpark at the FuelMyBlog Blog. Check it out.