Category Archives: Transformers

Day 1 – Botcon 2007 in Providence Rhode Island

Transformers Comics Haul
Photo-A-Day #811

Checked into my room at the Hotel for the next two nights. This weekend is BotCon 2007 and I am so excited. I have to run and get in line to get my convention package. Then it is on to seeing the movie 2 times tonight. Check out my hotel room key, it is Megatron!

I just came back from Registration. I got two more photos. I met a very nice couple in line, Rick and Emily. I hope to run into them again, pretty down to earth folks. No more photos for the rest of the night, Going to the movie and cannot bring a camera.

Photo-A-Day #811b 06/28/07
Prime welcomes all to BotCon 2007
Photo-A-Day #811b 06/28/07
Swag Pile!

Photos taken with my XShot. Come back Monday to learn more about the XShot, hint, hint. Christine already figured it out.