Category Archives: Transformers

Photo-A-Day #749 04/27/07

Tears of a Robot in Disguise

Why is Optimus Prime Crying?

Today I moved my desk at work. I packed up my Alternators and subsequently all of Optimus Prime’s troops, his friends. Prime was left all by himself.

Photo-A-Day 749b 04/27/07
Optimus Prime: Where the heck did everyone go?

All of his troops were gone and so were the Decepticons.

Photo-A-Day #749c 04/27/07
Optimus Prime: I’m stationed in a new location, my troops are gone, but then so are the Decepticons. Better hang onto my blaster for good measure.

Yep, Optimus is my only transformer to be allowed at my new “temporary” desk. I should be in this new location for a couple of months before we all move up to the 3rd floor. I’ve got Christine and Jim in front of me, Dave to my right and Mike to my left. Should be an interesting couple of months. We are all going to be working closely together.

I also picked Optimus Prime as the Photo-A-Day today because today I got a ton of new news from the world of Transformers. I wrote all about it on BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo. So what do you think of my attempt to make Optimus Prime cry oil tears?

Demo, Remod, Moving….

Here is a story about friends who can help you out. Yesterday Allison and I had Andy and Rondi over for dinner. I made that second steak, no pictures but it looked just as good and the new marinade from McCormicks was fantastic. Andy and Rondi also came over to help us tear the wallpaper off our old bedroom walls. Thank you so much guys! Here is what the bedroom walls used to look like. Continue reading Demo, Remod, Moving….