Category Archives: Travel

No Refund for You!

Photo-A-Day #2114

At the beginning of the month I went to Affiliate Summit, CES and the North American International Auto Show. Initially I was only going to go to Affiliate Summit. Because of this I booked myself a SouthWest Vacation. I booked three nights at Harrah’s and a roundtrip ticket on SouthWest. I often choose Southwest because I can get round trip non-stop tickets to Vegas on SouthWest and usually they are pretty cheap. I got a good deal at $546.83 for flight and room. But that was the beginning…. Continue reading No Refund for You!

Snowbound in Detroit

Photo-A-Day #2105

Today was an extra day in Detroit. I was stranded for the day because of some major weather in New England. So I was booked on a flight for 9:45pm tonight. Thankfully, Lisa Gilpin and her team authorized me to stay anohter full night so that I would have a room to stay in and work in for the day. And I did a lot of work. this morning I banged out posts from the past four days and set up videos from all the press events that I attended in the past four days as well. It was great to be able to stay in the room and just work without the distractions of anything. I had no internet other than my phone so I wasn’t constantly distracted. I was still engaged but at intervals. It was good. I made the best out of my time.

Continue reading Snowbound in Detroit