Category Archives: Video Game

Purple Camo Controller …

new controller
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02152

I seem to go through XBox controllers pretty frequently. The convenience of a wireless controller is great but they are much more expensive and once they get stick drift they end up less than useless when playing certain games. When you try and line up a shot and the stick moves on it’s own it is a real pain in the neck. All of my controllers now have this issue in one form or another. I did have my cousin try and fix a bunch of them and at least one is passable but not great. So I picked up this new one, it is wired but it does have a couple of special programmable buttons on it and speed triggers, we’ll see if it helps my gameplay.

The LEGO Fortnite Battle Bus Has Arrived …

The LEGO Fortnite Battle Bus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02093

This year Fortnite partnered with LEGO to make a LEGO version of the game or rather a LEGO game mode. Now things are going the other way around and LEGO is releasing Fortnite sets for fans. I picked up the Fortnite Battle Bus set and I cannot wait to build it. I’ll be building it next week or so for my YouTube channel. I have a whole new setup that I’ve been working on and am looking forward to seeing how it goes. This set will be one of my first.