Category Archives: Wired Kayaker

Family Kayak Day at Coonamessett Pond

Photo-A-Day #3375

We took our double kayak out for the first paddle of the season. We loaded up the kids and drove out to Coonamessett Pond. We started with the kids in the front cockpit of the double and me paddling in the back cockpit. Allison was paddling my kayak. That configuration worked pretty well for a little while before the kids decided that they did not want to sit together or rather Andrew didn’t want to sit still. He also wanted to paddle with Allison, in the blue (my) kayak. He wouldn’t sit still so we moved him to the boat with Allison. This wasn’t ideal so we found a place to land and Allison took the double and I got into the single. Both kids were still in the front until Andrew decided to crawl from the front to the back while we were out on the water. Nobody fell in so I think it was a successful trip.

We hit the beach later in the afternoon and when we got home Allison told me that I had some messages from our friends. We had invited them to watch the fireworks tomorrow night. Our messages got crossed and they were on their way to us tonight. It was actually great that they came tonight because we were able to spend some good time together and have a nice night.

They arrived and it was time for Eva to go down the street to put on her concert for the neighbors. She didn’t get to perform her song at the Fourth of July parade yesterday so one of our neighbors invited her over to do a little concert in the backyard. So, we all went over and watched Eva. She did great. Each time she sings her song she gets better and better.

We had a nice cook out and then we took the kids to the duck pond. Four kids, four bags of bread and lots of geese, swans and ducks. There was one moment when the three girls were walking down the street hand in hand skipping. It was adorable.

New Family Fun

Photo-A-Day #3232

I drove down to the Cape today to pick up a Tandem Kayak for the family. We bought it from our friend Kim at Cape Cod Kayak. The middle of winter might not be the best time to go kayaking but it is the best time to buy a kayak. This one is used but roto-molded plastic kayaks last forever. It will be a nice way to take the kids out for a paddle.

Part of my trip was to get down to the Cape and take some photos. I’ve seen so many photos from my fellow Imageloggers that have blown me away. I wanted to find some place more interesting than our living room and our town. So I went to the Train Bridge and to the Nobska Lighthouse to take some photos. I got some nice ones, too. Here are a few. Continue reading New Family Fun