Today was the Annual Christmas is for Kids Toy Drive sponsored by Achin’s Garage. I’ve been talking about this event all month and today it finally arrived. I got home from work and packed up the car with all of the toys that we had collected for the past couple of months. Allison took the kids to Eva’s Dance class and I finished up a few posts then headed to Attleboro Farms for the event. I got there and helped Sarah Achin bring a bunch of toys in to set them up in a display.

Allison, Eva and Andrew arrived along with my Dad. Dad was there to pick out a tree and Eva is his big helper for this job. She picked out last year’s tree for my parents and that one was a good one so she will continue to help pick the tree. We’ll be putting up our tree sometime in the next few weeks. Don’t want to put it up too early and have it dry out.

We set up more of the toys including the ones that we collected. Then I recorded Eva talking about all the toys. We were there early so we got there before most people and got to help with everything being set up. We talked with a bunch of people, too. Then we were there for the arrival of Pat the Patriot and the Patriots Cheerleaders. Dad had Andrew and went to get a photo with the cheerleaders and then Eva jumped in and so did Pat the Patriot. It made for a cute photo where Andrew is giving Pat a look. Maybe he was looking at the cute cheerleader next to him, though.

Eva had a ton of fun running around with Greg Aubin’s kids. Greg is one of the owners of Attleboro Farms and he provided the space for the Toy Drive. I got a video of Sarah and Greg later in the morning. I also recorded videos with the DJ who had heard about the event and donated his time. I recorded a video of Mark Gilmore thee President of the Council for Children and he told me about some of the history of Christmas is for Kids. I don’t think the sound is going to end up being that good so, we’ll see what I can do. I also got an invite to see the Christmas is for Kids operation and I’m going to try and go on Monday and get another video of a tour.

Eva spent a ton of time playing with the kids as well as Pat the Patriot. She was simultaneously terrified and enamored with him. She would do dance offs and high fives and then she’s run back and hide behind me. She had a ton of fun though, so much laughter and fun.

Lot’s of people came to the event and there were many toys collected as well as clothes and other things. It was a great morning and I didn’t even mind missing the sleep to go and attend. Such a fun event and some great people who worked very hard to pull it off. Way to Go!