Come From Away

Come From away
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01516

Tonight Allison and I went to PPAC to see the musical, Come From Away. This was a spectacular show. I wasn’t that invested or excited to see it but got tickets because Allison was so excited to see it. I was just going to get tickets so that she and a friend could see it but I am glad that I was the one who went with her. I loved it.

The play is about a small town in Newfoundland called Gather and they used to have the world’s largest airport. On September 11, 2001 that airport went back into use for several days to take flights that were diverted and the town population doubled in size overnight. The play is about how the citizens responded to the emergency and how the displaced passengers and residents made lifelong friendships through such a traumatic event. One of the best plays I’ve ever seen.