Delete That Video

delete that video
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01356

After dinner tonight Andy was being super silly while he loaded the dishwasher. He was dancing around and I made a little video of it. He caught me making the video and came after my phone with his dish washing gloves. I figure I’ll hold on to the video for a later date. when he least expects to see it.

Today marked the latest season of Fotnite. Chapter 3 Season 4 dropped at 2:00am. When I got up I started making videos of all the new challenges of the season. One took me most of the day but I did get it done. I knew I had to get these made to get a jump on this season. There is so much to do. I hope that the videos help the channel continue to grow. One video ended up being a half an hour because of how many parts there were to it.