I was sent four Dino Construction Company toys from Educational Insights to play with and review. I saw them at Toy Fair and had to check them out in our home.
When I was a kid I loved the Fisher-Price Adventure people, these were fantastic toys to play with. I would play with them down at my grandparent’s house on the Cape. I’d play with them on the beach for hours. They had no electronics and there was not story behind the toys, they were just fun and I used my imagination playing with them. This is what I want for my kids and I look for toys that will force them to use their imagination to play. If they can use their imagination they can play anything anywhere.

I reviewed the T-Rex Skid Loader before and this time I have Boom the Brachiosaurus backhoe. Boom is a lot of fun with many moving parts for kids to use. He has a scoop on his tail and his neck extends. His mouth opens and can even fit and entire Hot Wheels car inside. The cab spins and the whole thing is on treads that make dinosaur footprints in wet sand or dirt.

When we discovered that BOOM could eat a hot Wheels car it became one of Andrew’s favorite activities to do with the toy. He’s still a little young to really get some organized play with the toy but he does enjoy playing with all of the Dino Construction Company vehicles.

The colors are bright and the look of the dinosaur is simple bright and slightly animated. It looks like a friendly dinosaur that kids will enjoy playing with. My kids certainly appreciate it.

With so many moving parts and a simple design the kids will get lots of fun out of this toy.

While Andrew still is a little young for actual imaginative narrative play with the toy he still loves it. Eating cars and smashing towers with Boom’s tail are two of his favorite activities.

With no stickers on the toy this is great to get wet and really play dirty, like construction vehicles should.

After we played with Wrecker I decided to get some little action figures to put into the cab. Then I realized that I already had some Transformers Rescue Bots human characters that were the perfect size for the cabs of the vehicles. This is another fun aspect fo the toy, you can put your own action figures into the vehicle.

Boom is one of the more fun vehicles because of all that he can do. I am looking forward to playing with Andrew and this toy for years to come.