I am such a candidate for What Not to Wear. Anyone want to come film me and my fashion disasters? Ah and for some reason I’m still pulling Peter Gabriel song titles as post titles.
My poor shoes. I love them, they look pretty loved don’t they. I’ve had them for close to 5 years. I only got them because my other shoes were so worn that if you laid them down they would be at nearly 45 degree angles. So I went out and found these shoes in both brown and black. You see, when I find something I like I stick with it and buy multiple copies. The black shoes are doing fine but these brown ones are so hacked up.
For a while the laces have been fraying and an utter disaster. I kept putting off new laces because, well I kept forgetting. So when I finally remembered this morning I picked up laces that looked like they would replace the existing ones. I ended up buying Boot Laces. Boot Laces are wicked long. I didn’t quite realize this until I had wrestled off the old laces. Now there was absolutely no way that they were going back on. So, the boot laces went on. They were so long that I had to wrap them under the shoe and then tie them. They did the job for the day.
So now I realize that I can’t keep wearing these shoes. It is time to replace them.
In non shoe news I am on my way to shedding the Not in the “I’m Not A Famous Blogger” moniker. I was interviewed by Forbes Magazine today and the New York Times the other day. I’ll be posting links to the articles once I see them up.
My husband wears his shoes until the bottoms are worn all the way down and have holes. He’s so stubborn about replacing them, too. I just think he’s cheap.
Congrats on the interviews. I can’t wait to read them.
.-= jenn´s last blog ..In The Rooms =-.
Sometimes they just become so comfortable you don’t want to get rid of them.
Thanks very much about the interviews. I can’t wait to read them either.
Congrats on the interview! Your a celebrity now! =)
.-= KUMAGCOW´s last blog ..Debt is Not The End of The World =-.
So…does that mean now you are famous so won’t want to associate with rabble like us. Or does that mean that the “NOT” part is a dare for people to make one famous. The analogy is like sitting in a car with a sibling and telling them to stop touching you. It compells them to poke you more…
I am always gonna be part of the rabble. While people might start recognizing me and my blog I don’t think I’m gonna become famous.
The not part is sort of a motivation for bloggers. Or more of an ironic thing I guess. I thought of the whole name while at IZEAFest and I moderated the Big Money Bloggers panel. I was like, I’m in no way in league with these folks. But then I went and dropped their names to people and no one had a clue who they were, so right now there really aren’t many “famous” bloggers and I’m certainly not one of them… yet.
Sorry, your comment got put into spam for some odd reason. Thanks very much for the comment, I’m not famous yet.