Eva’s 8th Grade Graduation

Eva at Graduation
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01256

Eva graduated from 8th Grade today. It seems like it was only the other day that we were dropping her off for her first day of Kindergarten at SMSH. She has done really well at the school and was even part of the National Junior Honor Society. She worked really hard and studied hard. Not everything came easily to her but she never stopped working hard. Her best subjects were English and Art. She excelled at both. She has such a creative spirit.

Graduation was very nice. We had a reserved pew in the front of the Church and we were able to fit almost everyone who came to watch the graduation.

Eva and FR Rodney

Mem and Grandfather came up, Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik were also there along with Auntie Shelby and Uncle Tim, Dylan and Kylie. Miss Colleen was also there. After the graduation we had everyone over to the house for some pizza. We had everyone in the back yard and enjoyed some pizza from Bonillas.

After Eva opened her gifts she and Andy went down to the Cape for the weekend to stay with Mem and Grandfather. This was because Allison and I are heading to my College Reunion tomorrow.