Everyone Make A Part Of Dinner

Doritos Chicken
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01343

Tonight Andy wanted everyone to make a part of dinner. Andy made the dessert of strawberry ice cream and 100,000 Grand ice cream. This is his latest thing, he mixes things into vanilla ice cream to make new flavors.

Allison made Stromboli, Eva did baked potatoes and bacon and I made Doritos fried chicken tenders.

I’d try anything else again but was not impressed with the Doritos chicken. for one thing when it was fried up it had a weird smell of the fried Doritos. Such a strange almost fish like smell. Then there was barely any flavor or taste to the chicken even though it was liberally coated with crushed Doritos.

We rounded out the night by watching Sing 2 on Netflix. That was a very cute movie.