Farm to Sandwich From The Burgundian

Farm to Sandwich options
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01498

Allison sent me the image below to let me know that there would be special night where The Burgundian lets other food trucks use their facility to put out their food. It is a great way for them to support other food trucks as well as introduce their clients to other great food.

The options that they hard were really good. Andy and I got the burger while Allison got one of the Chicken Sandwiches and Eva got the other. We also had some of their ribbon fries. Everything was good but it would have been better had we been able to be there to eat. That way the fries would have been crispier.

farm to sandwich options

Today was a crazy day for driving around. I picked up Eva to take her home and then was supposed to take her to the Boba place so she could hang out with her friend Steven. But when I picked her up she informed me that we had to get Steven and then take them both to Boba. However, it is a Wednesday so I also had to pick up Andy and take him to rock climbing. I want to encourage both kids to be social so despite my misgivings about timing of all this running round I made it work Andy had a great rock climbing class and Eva had fun with her friend. And we were still able to get home in time to have dinner and I could run my weekly Livestream for the game Autonauts. No one watches but I have fun.