Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00682
Today is our fifteenth anniversary and to say that the past fifteen years have been an adventure would be an understatement. Luckily for us we have this blog to look back on and ee all of those adventures. 2020 has been an insane year for the entire world but I think it has been one of our best. We’re so fortunate to have two wonderful children who are both doing well in school and outside of school. Both kids are coming into their own in their martial arts training. We had to spend much of the year training via Zoom but they both stuck with it and are doing very well. Eva has her first phone and her first job to help pay for that phone. Andy moved to a new room and is enjoying the space and having more independence. He’s quite fond of omelets and asks to make them a few times a week. while he needs supervision with the stove he does pretty much everything else himself.
As for Allison and I this time at home has been a great time for us to connect and spend more time together. We have been taking daily walks all Summer and we’re both closer to our wedding weights then ever before. Our walks also give us time to talk about things and discuss what is going on around us. While we both have our own pursuits we are lucky to be able to spend part of the day together without any distractions.
I sincerely thought that I was ahead of the game this year on our anniversary plans. I booked us tickets to one of our favorite comedians and had an $800 spa gift certificate courtesy of a campaign I did with Nintendo. It looks like we may be celebrating our 15th in that style on our 16th or 17th anniversary depending upon how things with this pandemic go. But we’ll take it one day and one step at a time together.