First Snow of the Winter

First Snow of the Winter
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00717

We had our first snowfall today. It actually began falling last night and then continued today until around 1pm. School let the kids have the rest of the week off to have their first Snow Day of the Winter. The snow was a mix between heavy and freezing. When I went out at 8am there were some tough moments but overall that old snowblower still kept churning. I ended up doing 17,000 steps for the day between doing our driveway and sidewalks and my neighbor’s two driveways and sidewalk there was a lot of ground to cover.

The snow sapped everyone’s energy. We played a few more rounds of Rummikub and then hung out and relaxed. I went out one last time before dinner and cleared anything else that had piled up. There wasn’t much but the ends of the driveways where the plows snowed everything in.