Today I took the kids out to Wild Time Comics to pick up free comic books for Free Comic Book Day. We got there a few minutes early and we were pretty close to the first people into the store. Andrew got a couple of books and so did Eva. Then they got some goodie bags, cookies and Andrew got himself a drink box as well. I took a photo with Randy who was dressed as Thor. We’ve been doing this particular photo every year that we’ve ever gone to the event. It is one of the highlights for me. I didn’t get a photo with the kids while we were there but Allison took a photo of us when we returned home. Andrew still would not wear the Baymax mask.

While we were at the event Andrew did pretty well with not shooting the Baymax fist while at the event. He was holding it in until we got home. Allison captured it flying through the air. I hope that we continue to attend this event and eventually the kids will stay a little longer and not be as afraid of some of the more scary costumes.