Funko Pop – She-Ra on Swift Wind

She-Ra and Switfwind
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00973

Occasionally Funko provides me with some products for free to review. Opinions are my own.

There has been a resurgence of interest in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe which also includes She-Ra. The kids and I loved the She-Ra series on Netflix. It was modern and updated and full of fun characters who had more of their backstories explored. When I saw that Funko had a She-Ra and Swift Wind Pop Rides figure coming out I knew I had to review it. This is a solid heavy figure with excellent detail on both She-Ra and Swift Wind. The dynamic posing shows She-Ra and Swift Wind in flight. She-Ra’s cape flowing out behind her under her long flowing hair. Swift Wind’s Battle Armor looks great, too. While I do like the more colorful look of Swift Wind from the remake series and his super funny personality, I do like how this one is quite true to the She-Ra version from the 80’s. This version is reminiscent of the 1985 Power Crystal version that Mattel made down to the colors and armor.

She-Ra has great details as well with her sword and shield and her outfit and tiara. She is ready to battle The Horde upon Swift Wind’s back.