Getting Banged Up at Stripe Test

Eva's Stripe Test
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01539

Today was stripe test for me and for Eva. Andy came home sick from school so he could not go to class today. He’ll have to make up his stripe test before graduation. I had my stripe test this morning and it was tough. We did a lot of drills and in one of the drills my partner drilled me right in the face. Luckily I just got a couple of scratches that don’t look that bad right now.

banged up

I didn’t even notice them until I was about to shave and wen I looked in the mirror I was wondering why my eye kind of hurt and where I had gotten the scratches. Then I remembered the stripe test and Dave catching me pretty good on one technique. We are usually very controlled and careful. We’ve been working together a lot lately, too. He’s much faster than me, though.

Eva had her stripe test in the afternoon and in the end she got half a stripe because she had to work on her gun defenses. She did a few things that would get you dropped from a Black Belt test immediately. I know what that is all about so it is a good thing I’ll be helping her drill those techniques at home before the graduation on Thursday. It is a tough thing to have to try again but at this level I can understand why she’s got to work harder. Luckily she’s got a great attitude about that.