I am a PBS Kids VIP (Very Involved Parent) and that means that occasionally I’m alerted to things that are happening with PBS Kids including when they are releasing new themed toys. I received a large box of high quality wooden toys, card games and other items. I asked my contact if it would be okay for me to donate these great toys to Christmas is For Kids and the Give it Forward Project that I’ve been doing. They said that they had read about my project and were happy to see the toys go to the cause. So I made this video previewing the toys that will be released on Tuesday December 4 at retailer Tuesday Morning.
These are some nice looking toys. I didn’t play with any of them because in order to Donate them they need to be new and unwrapped. But I did look at them and saw that they looked wonderful for kids. Here are some images and descriptions of some of the toys from the video. *Descriptions are from Tuesday Morning

Re-discover the exciting game of PBS Kids Dominoes with your child. Dominoes are a great way to practice math and matching skills while having fun. This 28-piece set is full of colorfully pictured blocks that your children will love to play with.

Packing for your next family outing? Don’t forget to bring along the PBS Kids 3-in-1 Games on the Go set (travel card games) along for guaranteed learning and entertainment. Features three colorful, educational, and exciting versions of your favorite card games: Go Fish, Play with your Food Domino Card Game, and Don’t Catch the Lion Card Game (plays like Old Maid).

Join Dot and Dash to build a community with the 40-piece Neighborhood Block Set by PBS Kids. Encourage children to use problem-solving skills as they put pieces together and design neighborhoods, cities, and towns.
Take a look at Tuesday Morning on December 4 to find these great PBS Kids toys for the kids in your life, or better yet buy some to donate to a toy drive in your area.
About the Give it Forward Project on BenSpark.com
For the past three years we have saved money to go on a family shopping trip so that we could make donations to Christmas is for Kids. Each year we try to save more and do things bigger. This year many companies that I’ve done reviews with have provided me with toys to review but also toys to give away as well. On December 1, 2012 from 10:00am – 2:00pm Achin’s Garage is sponsoring a Toy Drive of NEW unwrapped toys for kids aged newborn to 18 years old at Attleboro Farms to collect toys for Christmas is for Kids. We’ll be making a huge donation thanks to so many great sponsors.
Disclosure: These toys were sent to me because of my ambassadorship as a PBS Kids VIP. I decided that I’d donated them, with permission, instead. Opinions at 100% my own.