Granite State Comicon 2023 – Day 1

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01718

Today I took Eva to the Granite State Comicon in Manchester, NH. The con is one that we have enjoyed going to since our first family trip in 2018. I did attend the very first one way back when they started because I was friends with the organizers. I still am and love to see them at the show each year.

Packed for the con

We packed up the car with our materials for our costumes. Eva was showcasing two of her characters this time out with one on Saturday and one on Sunday. This meant a couple of wigs plus my wig for my costume. We arrived at the convention just as they opened the showroom floor and we got our passes and made a first pass through the entire show. We would do this several more times throughout the weekend because that is what we do, w tour the floors and then go to a couple of the panels.

Cosplay at the con

Eva’s cosplay is of a character called Technoblade. I was doing an original character and when I got to the con I immediately picked up a foam sword to carry around. This is an interesting one with a black blade and what looks like a hand brake for a motorcycle and two parts of brass knuckles. It went with my costume which had a very tech heavy look.

We attended a couple of panels. One on doing makeup and special effects using latex and the other on using different materials in cosplay. I think that Eva enjoyed both of these and got some good ideas. We were able to check into the room at 3pm and I did that on the app and when it was time we went to the car and got our luggage. I stayed in the room for a bit to relax. MY head was hurting from my wig which was very tight. It was so tight that I had a line across my head from it.

I did make it back downstairs to see the costume contest. Eva did not enter this year but there were many great costumes to see. She had a great time and then we headed to get some dinner.

no cjs tonight

We were going to try and get dinner at Cactus Jack’s because they are closing at the end of the year and that was one place that we enjoyed when we were in NH in the past. However, even at 7:30 or so there was a 40 minute wait for two people. We decided that that was too long so we ended up over at T-Bones for dinner instead. Another NH restaurant that I enjoyed when I lived there. It was early to bed tonight because we were exhausted and we still had another day at the con tomorrow.