Green Thumb Sunday
Photo-A-Day #823c 07/10/07, originally uploaded by BenSpark.

This Flower is from Butterfly World in Florida. It is a passionflower, the kind that have passion fruit. There are so many different ones and they are all amazing to see.
Just to let you Green Thumbers know, today is the last day to enter the Win an XShot from BenSpark contest. I’ll accept entries till 12:00 noon.
Awesome photo!
Whoa, that’s crazy looking! I’ve actually wondered what passion fruit plants looked like. Now I have my answer… they look like aliens!
Hi Drew, Passion flowers are really spectacular flowers, love the colour to this one.I think Ruth did a history of the flower the other day, the flower is tied up with all sorts of religious conitations.
Also like what you did for Photo Hunters.
Cheers Mark
Hi Drew, before I saw your writing about the flower I was going to say is this a passionflower. It is very striking. I think I am going to invest in a passionflower – they are just beautiful. You say there are many different ones, which is your favourite?
Sara from farmingfriends in the UK
Thank you Emma, and welcome to my blog. I appreciate the comments and compliment.
Hi Randy,
They do look very alien, I saw many different kinds and was surprised by each one. Thanks for commenting and stopping by.
Hi Mark,
Do you happen to know the link to what Ruth wrote? I would like to link out to her post about the flower. I know very little about the flower but saw many at Butterfly World. Glad you liked both of the photos.
Hi Sara,
From Mark’s comment it looks like Ruth wrote something about the Passion Flower. I hope to get the link to her post so that I can add the link to this post. I know very little about the flower and the place I went had actual passionflowers and then some hybrids that they created at Butterfly World. I like this one however because I really like the colors. They are striking. We almost picked up some seeds but we weren’t sure if it would grow in New England.
Aren’t they beautiful flowers. The post I did was about my Clematis and how it reminded me of a Passion Flower; I did put some info there; here is the link
Hope you find it of interest.
Happy GTS
Thanks Ruth. I liked the post and appreciate that you left me the link.
Beautiful….and interesting.
Very interesting flower. We wonder if passion flowers can be grown in zone 5.
Have a great day.
WOW, passionflower! very nice!! I *LOVE* the color! Happy GTS!
Yes, this was certainly an interesting flower to check out. There were many different kinds too.
I’m not sure where they can be grown because I almost bought some seeds to try at home but I figured it would be too cold to grown them in New England.
Thanks Michelle, yes the color of this flower is really something to see.