Green Wolf Sculpture

Green Wolf
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00766

Andy has a presentation coming up for school on Wolves. He picked my favorite animal. Well, the other day I went through the old Safari Limited toys that we received over the years to find the wolves that were part of that collection. I found two of them, I thought I had wolf pups, too but could not find them. Andy must have been inspired by his project and by the wolves because he decided to make one out of clay for his Secret Saint. It was Catholic schools week here and Andy has a Secret Saint, someone that he gives a small gift to. He brought in a few dollar store type items but also wanted to make something special so he made this green wolf.

Today, after Eva’s Jr. Krav class she had a few extra minutes of Black Belt training. This is for those students who are committed to continuing towards their black belts. At the end of class they get a little extra training on new and upcoming concepts. Eva is close to moving up to being able to do more black belt training in class itself. She did really well and after class Miss Allie came and talked to her and told her how much she has improved in the short time that she, Miss Allie, has been assistant teaching Jr. Krav. Eva was quite proud of that.