Harry Potter Advent Calendar from Funko

Harry Potter Advent Calendar from Funko
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00701

Our friends at Funko provided us with a free Harry Potter Advent Calendar. Opinions are our own.

Harry Potter was Eva’s go to book series a couple years back. She loves the books and the franchise and so when I got the chance to check out a Harry Potter Advent Calendar for her I jumped at it. I did a video review on the blog but did not unbox it and spoil the daily advent surprises for her. She has been opening the set each day and id quite excited for what she has found so far. Today was the first day and of course it makes sense that Harry be the one in Day 1. This is a Christmas themed Harry Potter and it is very cute. You can see my video below.

Also, you can still order this from Amazon.com and you can get it through our affiliate link below.