As a toy guy, I roam the toy aisle on every trip to Target and go out of my way to search for toys I love, going to Time To Play’s 2011 Holiday Showcase was like Christmas 1985 for me (I’m also a child of the 80’s so I find that the best year ever was 1985). My friend Adam Cohen (@DadaRocks) told me about this event when I was last in New York. He connected me with the awesome people at Litzky PR. I connected with Kaylie and after a phone call I was added to the list of attendees. A week after that I was asked to come out a day early for a special blogger dinner. Wow! I was so excited and coming down to meet with tons of great oty companies was sooo worth it! I got to meet so many amazing people.
what is Time to Play. Time to Play is a site that should be your first resource for finding amazing toys for your kids. This showcase was to reveal the Time to Play’s Holiday 2011 Most Wanted Toys List. Jim, Chris and Shannon from Time to Play revealed a great list of toys You can see the list at the link above but you can also watch the reveal on the video below. I’d recommend that you watch the video because it is cool to see the toys talked about.
So, in the morning the bloggers got into cars to go to the Altman building. Chris and I decided to go it together once we arrived. We started by meeting people from Razor, Crayola and LEGO. We had a great time talking with people and were working very well together showcasing each other’s strengths as bloggers. Chris has an amazing interview series called Dads in the Limelight. I can’t hardly believe how many dads he’s interviewed so far, he’s interviewed over 200 dads. Wow! (And BTW I was Dad in the Limelight #1) Lol. Chris is a great guy and I was very happy to get time to spend hanging with him.
I had so many great experiences and met so many nice people at the event. I can’t list them all or everything that I saw but I can show you the set of photos that I took while walking around. In the coming months I hope to be testing out and reviewing many of the toys that you see in these photos.
My Time To Play Holiday Showcase 2011 Photo Gallery.
The day was fantastic, the people even more so. After we finished up and collected our gifts from the gifting suite Chris, Adam and I started off to the hotel. Chris needed to meet a car so we parted ways around 21st street. Adam and I waled over to Madison Square park to go to the Shake Shack. Adam had to take off but I stopped and had a Shack-cago dog, fries and a shake in the park. It was very nice and then I went back to the hotel to await the car service to take the train home.
I don’t know what it is about taking the train home, it always leaves late. Every time I’ve gone to NYC and back the train has been late. No matter, it was a smooth ride home and I was able to get a few things done. Once I got home I set up all the toys that I received from the showcase and photographed them for the photo-a-day today. I had to shut the door to the office so Eva didn’t see all of them. some are being set aside for Christmas or her birthday. I’ll be doing some reviews of each of the toys over the next few months. I now need to follow up with all the great people that I met.
I want to thank Adam Cohen and Kaylie Nelson for being so awesome. Thanks for getting me some Time to Play!
Sounds like you had a good time
Love all of the toys you got!!