Photo-A-Day #1977
Taking a Little Commentary Posting Break. Here is why.
Photo Information
Date Taken: September 6, 2010 |
Photo-A-Day #1977
Taking a Little Commentary Posting Break. Here is why.
Photo Information
Date Taken: September 6, 2010 |
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Drew, that little girl of yours gets more and more beautiful each day. She’s gonna be a heart breaker when she hits her teen years
I know, I am in so much trouble when she gets older.
Eva was a joy this weekend. I’m sure she enjoyed that ice cream.
She certainly did enjoy it. And Swirls gave her a bunch because she is Shelby’s niece. She ate the whole thing and passed out for the ride home and through the whole night till 4:45am this morning.
Hey, that little daughter of yours look so pretty. She is actually gonna steal the heart of millions of people when she grows young. Its a very beautiful picture. You have stolen such a precious moment and captured it in the camera. great job!
For Dinner? I know you were out and about, but please tell me you gave her something else when you got home.
She slept in the car and stayed asleep until 4:45am. So, no, nothing else.