Iced Over

Iced Over
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01133

On Friday we had some very icy weather. I was supposed to go back to the office on Friday night but because of the weather I stayed home and went to the office last night. I slept all day yesterday and did not clear my car until I left for work. It was a complete sheet of ice. I cleared off everything I could but there was still plenty on the hood. It was still there this morning when I got to church with the family.

I was taking this photo when my neighbor came over and she gave me a thank you card and some gift cards for taking care of her when the Blizzard happened last week. She gave me gift cards to Cumberland Farms and Honey Dew. She definitely did not have to do that but ?I certainly appreciated it.

Pop wall

Last night I got a couple more of my Funko Pops that were in boxes from my office so that I could add them to my wall of Funko Pops in my home office. The ones I added were Eeyore and Venom.

Today Eva had a new friend over and they made cookies, painted and worked on their D & D characters plus did some Cosplay stuff. Eva was very excited for her friend to be here and even though they were excited and a bit loud I didn’t mind a little missed sleep.