Photo-A-Day #2419
Our son, Andrew E. Bennett, IV, was born today. My life as a Dad has begun on a whole new path. Having been a dad to a beautiful, smart and inquisitive little girl for the past few years has had its challenges but I took to them pretty easily. Tea Parties… Check. Enjoying pink… Check. Cuddling…. Check. To me a girl is easy because you just be the model for the man that you hope she winds up marrying some day and you keep away all suitors until the age for 35. :-). But seriously, Eva has been a real pleasure to be a Dad to. We have so much fun together and enjoy so many of the same things and have fun. But a son, having a son feels like I have a whole new set of responsibilities shape him into a good man when he grows up. Not that I don’t have the responsibility to shape Eva into a good woman, but it feels like a very different responsibility to me to raise a son.
I feel like I can finally breathe out after such a long time too, no not because I was dead set on having a son because I wasn’t. I didn’t think about it, that much. The most important thing to me was that the baby was born, healthy. My heart jumped up into my throat with every cough, pained look or ache from Allison from the moment we found out that she was pregnant to the moment that I heard Andrew cry for the first time. I knew in my heart that I’d be crushed if we ever suffered a loss like we did in 2009. So I steeled myself and kept from getting to excited, I stayed more worried than anything. It was how I tried to protect myself. My co-workers in my new position, some of them didn’t even know that my wife was pregnant. I didn’t want to have to explain should something go wrong.
You can imagine my joy at hearing Andrew’s first cries. My heart swelled to double in size to take in how much I love this baby boy. All the fears and worrying and waiting and anticipating melted away. I have a son. I have a healthy baby son. I have so much to teach him, but don’t worry, he’s already heard the name Optimus Prime once or twice. Raising a son is an entirely new adventure that Allison and I are on. I’m pretty sure though that with our love and guidance and the example that his sister, Eva will provide, he’s going to grow to be a man I can be proud of someday.
Everything I know about how you interact with Eva and everything in this post tells me the kind of dad you will be to Andrew. Everything I know about you tells me he has a great role model and will grow into a fine man. Congrats again to you all!
I agree with you..Those children are very lucky to have such a wonderful father & him & his wife are really blessed to have such wonderful children..
As the father of two sons, I can tell you how awesome it truly is! You are absolutely right–being a man yourself, you will literally shape your son in so many ways. In my opinion, it’s the greatest and most exciting job you will ever have. Congrats, again!
Dido. my feelings also. Thank you for thinking enough of your father and grandfather to give your son our name. with your guidance, he will grow in to a man you will be proud of. I’m sure of that.
I can see that special bond in your eyes a man gets with his son. I have always been in awe how you both have been with Eva and she will be an awesome big sister! Andrew is adorable and I am so happy things worked out, have been praying for you since 2009! Love you guys!!!! Keep those pictures coming!
My friends, you are such amazing parents to Eva and now Andrew! This little one will definitely grow up to be a good man because of the example you all set for him. He has been loved and treasured before he took his first breath. I think it is extremely appropriate he was born Thanksgiving Week-he is truly a blessing we are all thankful for. God Bless you all!
Congrats again! So excited and wonderful. Good luck on your journey in raising a boy. I bet Eva will be a wonderful big sis to her little brother!
He’s absolutely beautiful…just like Eva! Congrats to you and your family.
So happy for you and your family
Congratulations to you, your wife and Eva
You now have two beautiful and amazing children.
How amazing is that
Congratulations to your little one! I am sure you will have a wonderful big sister!
Congratulations to you & your family! He is so precious! Thanks for sharing with us. You all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I would imagine that being the father of a son is inherently different than being the father of a daughter, and I’m sure you will rise to the occasion with greatness! And just think, you, Allison and baby Andrew (will he have any nicknames?) will have big sister Eva to help him grow up to be a wonderful man, many years from now! Congrats to your family on the beautiful new addition!
Congrats to all three of you! I’m so excited that another Bennett/ BenSpark has joined the world and can’t wait to meet him. If this isn’t the most adorable family ever, I don’t know what is!
Congrats!!! He is gorgeous!