In the Pickup Line

pickup line
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01792

The pickup line for Andy’s school can be quite frustrating. From the first day there I decided that I’d get over to the line well before Andy got out of school. I do not like being on the road waiting in the line. If I get there early enough I can be right where Andy and the rest of the kids need to be picked up. There is always a car that parks right at the end of the road that forces all other cars to go around them in order to park. If you aren’t a fan of parallel parking you are sort of stuck. Why don’t they just pull up, they are going to have to do it as soon as the kids come out anyway. So this car (the second in the photo) was in the last spot. Or it should have been the last spot before the other car drove around me and instead of going in front of the last car in line they parked behind that car and hung out into the road. I got more frustrated than I needed to be over this act. I need to just park, listen to my audio book and let idiots be idiots.