With Star Wars being released a week from today it is beginning to look a lot like a Star Wars Christmas. From the shelves of the toy stores everywhere to the book that Eva is reading (A novelization of the original Star Wars) to video games, Disney Infinity for me with new characters on the way on the movie release day. I’ve already got my tickets for Thursday night. I’m seeing the movie with a friend from work. I cannot wait to see this movie and I am glad that I am seeing it before the weekend so that I am not spoiled as to what happens in the movie. I would hate that. I have my suspicions but you don’t know until you actually see the movie (or spoilers) I will make sure not to post any spoilers.
Eva is going to be really excited to receive four new Star Wars novels (pictured below). I got these from Disney Publishing along with a bunch of other great books including a super funny one for the kids called Mother Bruce. But the Star Wars Books are going to be a whole lot of fun to read together.

Next week can’t come soon enough. I am so excited to see the movie on Thursday night.