Photo-A-Day #4151
Both the LEGO Dimensions and New Nintendo 3DS XL are prizes from contests.
Today we used our Christmas gift from my sister, Shelby and Tim. It was babysitting for an afternoon so that Allison and I could go for a meal and a movie. They even gave us gift cards for the meal and movie. We opted for going to the Framingham AMC Fork and Dine, or something like that. It is a movie theater where you can eat meals while you watch the movies. You pick out the seats that you want, the seat recline with footrests, too. Adult beverages and Sushi are on the menu. The sushi was okay but I wouldn’t get it again because it smelled like soy sauce the entire time. We saw Bad Moms and it was a pretty funny movie, that then brings you back around for a moral. We enjoyed it.
We picked the kids up and were contemplating taking them to the drive in to see The Secret Life of Pets, but it was too early and Andrew was being a complete “n-uuh-dge”, what we call him when he’s being a complete pain in the butt. The kids had had a great time with their cousins and of course didn’t want to leave. Eva even got to make cookies for everyone and so she was in her glory. We were all tired so we just went home instead of one more late night thing.
When we came home my new Nintendo 3DS XL had arrived. I won it from a Twitter contest from the 3DS Kid For A Day even we went to last Friday night. We then decided what we would do for the night. We opted to open the LEGO Dimensions Wii U game that I had won from Blogger Bash a few months ago. We went through the first part of the game and Andrew and I built The LEGO Gateway. I can’t seem to remember calling it that when I talk about it. I better get my language down properly for it. We played through the first level, the Wizard of Oz level and it was fun. We found out that the other controller was dead and need charging so it was me playing the game, next time one of the kids can come along. Our video today has a comparison of the Nintendo 3DS XL and the New Nintendo 3DS XL as well as a few other things.
looks fun. I have Nintendo 3DS also, keep go in.