LEGO Marvel Avengers Advent Calendar – Day 2

LEGO Marvel Avengers Advent Calendar
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01067

Yesterday I mentioned my dad fail on the whole Advent Calendar for the kids thing. Today I am going strong on my personal Advent Calendars that I am doing through my YouTube Channel. My main one is the LEGO Marvel Avengers 2021 Advent Calendar. I say my main one because the Playmobil one that I ordered has not arrived yet. On the first day I revealed Iron Man/Tony Stark. Today I got a bag full of accessories to make Iron Man look like he was firing repulser beams and flying. I black out the newly revealed item for my video thumbnail. I’ll be adding to the image each day as we go through the month. I probably won’t be posting pictures of each day on here but I tried to take a photo of something else today and it did not come out very well so the only other thing that I photographed today was this toy. Here is the unboxing.