Today I flew back from California. Yesterday’s events were so much fun and wiped me out. I decided to stick close to the hotel and try to get some good sleep before getting picked up for the airport at five am for my flight home. I shared the ride with Lolli from Better in Bulk. I appreciate that she got up early to go since her flight was forty minutes later than mine. I spent most of the flight asleep, which I needed, but it was that in and out of sleep deal. I bet I snored too.
I had an hour to get from my first flight to the second at the Minneapolis Airport. I just love how you land at one end of the airport and your next flight is completely at the opposite end. So I hustled over to my flight but stopped quickly for this photo with Snoopy. I should have had an Xshot iPad case with me then I could have taken a decent photo. Oh well, maybe another trip.
I feel like I’m back in my traveling days especially after going to Florida then right to California and the week after next to Denver and a couple weeks after that off to New York. The great thing though is that these trips are for fun and not for work.
Got home and enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Mike, he had come for dinner. We hung out watched TV and played some Draw Something. Also I got our tickets to see The Avengers on Monday morning in IMAX. I can’t wait!