Marble Run and Time with A Good Friend

marble run
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00911

I don’t have a photo of me and my buddy Frank from today but I spent the afternoon with Frank at his house helping him out with his podcast, Silver Screeners. This is a movie podcast and Frank puts a lot of time and energy into it so I wanted to help him make it as good as possible. To that, I helped him with his intro music and making a sound buffer so that he could block out sounds as he records. I talked about it in today’s vlog

The photo obviously has nothing to do with seeing Frank but rather with Andy. I asked him to clean out from under the entertainment center and he found a piece to this marble run toy that he has. He has not played with it in a very long time but once he found that piece he decided that he would immediately begin playing with it. That is what happens whenever we do a deep clean. He find his old toys and begins playing immediately.