I’ve been doing a ton of MEGA Bloks Skylanders Giants reviews for the actual MEGA Bloks sets but this time I take on another challenge, and my two kids. MEGA Bloks sent me two Trigger Happy’s Dart Blasters and two Ignitor’s Flame Swords to try out and review. My opinions of the toys are 100% my own.
We’ve had these toys for a while and have had mock sword fights and dart battles around the yard. Eva loves to sword fight. A few years back Eva got into a movie called The Next Avengers. The characters were the children of the Avengers and she identified with the female character of Torunn, the daughter of Thor. So I bought her a foam sword, Thor’s helmet and a chain mail cape. I got myself a battle mace. So she likes to pretend that I am Thor and she is my daughter and I am training her in swordsmanship. Now we can play together using the same swords and pretend that we are Ignitor from Skylanders Giants. Here is our gameplay review.
Eva’s not as big a fan of Trigger Happy’s Dart Blasters though. She doesn’t like being hit with darts and she has a little difficulty cocking the blaster so that she can shoot. The toy is for ages 6+ and she’s only 5. Her arm strength isn’t very strong and so she sticks with the sword. For a kid who doesn’t have the strength to pull back the cocking mechanism on the blaster she can really belt me with that sword.

Here’s what I think about each of the toys.
Ignitor’s Flame Sword
Ignitor’s sword looks great. The two tone look and the sculpted flames in the foam give it the look and feel of a flaming sword. It is very true to Ignitor’s sword in the game in that it is fatter and wider because of the flames. You can also switch on the sounds of battle right on the sword’s hilt. I like that there is an on/off switch on the sounds because I know that repetitive sounds can become very annoying for parents. There are three authentic sounds from the game that happen as you swing the sword.
Playing with the sword is fun. It fits the hand of an adult and a child easily. It is pretty light and the foam is thick enough that you can have a safe, spirited play battle.
Trigger Happy’s Dart Blaster
With Trigger Happy’s Dart Blasters the design captures the coin blasters that Trigger Happy has in the Skylanders games. Trigger Happy is one of Eva’s most favorite characters. He’s crazy and laughs all the time and she loves the option of the “bouncy bullets”. The blaster needs to be cocked in order to fire the darts, but pulling the trigger spins the six-dart barrel so you can pretend to be blasting away chompies without actually firing anything and there is still some action happening on the blaster.
To load the darts you have to pull the trigger and load the darts into the empty holes as the chamber of the blaster rotates. It is a pretty easy process and different than other foam blasters that I’ve used before.
As I was writing this post I got the idea on how to make these toys more fun for my kids. Rather than us having battles with each other I can create some sort of Gauntlet of targets like Chompies, Axecutioners, Trolls and more. I receive enough cardboard that we can create some fun baddies to battle around the yard. I may have to do that before the next wave of fun Role Play toys arrives.