In my ongoing series of MEGA Bloks Skylanders Giants reviews I have another Hero pack to show you. We were sent the Trigger Happy with Gatling Gun Hero pack to play with and review. Here are my thoughts which are 100% my own.
I continue to enjoy the MEGA Bloks Skylanders Giants Hero Packs. They are inexpensive and offer some good play for they kids, young and old, in your life. The Trigger Happy set is nice because it comes with Trigger Happy’s Gatling Gun which is a special upgrade for him. The piece itself is very nice. I like the detail on both the figure and the Gatling gun. The enemy in this one is from the level in Skylanders Giants called Bringing Order to Kaos and is part of the Magic area called Magician’s Lighthouse. I played that level today and finished the game. When I saw these Arkeyan defenses I immediately recognized them from this Hero Pack.
How are you enjoying the live builds? Should I continue to do them for the Hero Packs? I enjoy them, just still trying to figure out the best way to show you each pack. I think the live builds work for the Hero packs and might not work for the larger ones. But maybe I will speed up the building on the future videos.

At this point I have three Trigger Happy figures. Two that are the same and one that glows in the dark. The thing that sets this pack apart is the Gatling gun. It is a nice addition to Trigger Happy’s arsenal. It would be fun to have his giant coin, money bag and safe as well.

I liked how this item was built. You can position the laser a few ways because of the way in which it is constructed. The two grey bars with two pegs on them on either side of the device allow it to tilt up and down so you can position it at whatever angle you’d like. You can also move it forward and backward slightly. It sort of looks like a theater spotlight.
Another solid Hero Pack from MEGA Bloks Skylanders Giants.