Photo-A-Day #2245
This morning Eva came padding into our room at 5:45am. You see, last night I told her that we would be going fishing in the morning and that she could come into our bedroom, to my side of the bed and quietly wake me up. I told her to please come and wake me quietly so that Allison could sleep later. I didn’t realize that she would be so excited and wake me so early. I had her go back to bed for a little while longer, got ready and we headed out around 6:30am
But, before we got to the fishing spot we stopped at Mackie’s for breakfast. For some reason breakfast is one of those very special things that I love to do with Eva. I love going with Allison too, don’t get me wrong but there is something magical about breakfast at the counter. We can talk and have fun. She is so personable to everyone that she meets. I get so impressed watching her talk with the servers, she also impresses them. I get so many compliments of how polite and smart she is. That is so great for a parent to hear.
Because she is so smart and verbal we can actually talk together. I hope to spend years together over a stack of pancakes and some bacon, just talking. Right now I spend most of the time answering questions, but as we continue to grow in our father/daughter relationship I find that I’ll be asking more of the questions and hoping that she answers them.
We left Mackie’s and drove down to Whiting’s Pond. I set Eva’s Princess fishing rod up with a hook, bobber and a plastic bait fish. I cast her line out for her and then set up my line. About four or five casts out for her I was finally ready with my line. I cast out and reeled back over and over. A few nibbles but nothing to talk about. We were there for about an hour and Eva began to get bored.
Bored with a fishing pole.
We moved to the beach area that was free of goose poop so that we could sit and just let the lines sit out there. I switched to a plastic worm and a bobber of my own. I got a bunch of nibbled and then I finally got a decent hit and landed a small bass. I figured that Eva might want to stand and hold the line with the fish on it. She wanted nothing to do with going near the fish but she did take some photos of me with the fish. And quite a few of my backside as I released the fish.
Caught this little one first.
After catching the first one Eva changed her tune and wasn’t as bored. She sat in my lap as I cast out a few more and then I landed this big guy.
I couldn’t believe that I caught this big guy in such a small little pond. I’d been fishing for years with my grandfather on a pond and all I ever caught were sunfish and some perch. A bass, I couldn’t believe it.
Eva wanted nothing to do with it again, she wouldn’t come within ten feet of it.
We cast a few more times and then we headed home. It was beginning to rain and thunder.
We came home and had a nice afternoon. Eva and Allison played while I napped. We had a nice afternoon and evening then Allison and I watched RockStar On Demand. I don’t know why I didn’t see this when it came out. Pretty decent movie.
Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Father/Daughter day!! I think it’s lovely!! LOVE the pic from the cell phone and laughed out loud at the pic of Eva shying away from the fish. She’s adorable:)
We had a lot of fun. Eva was funny once we started catching fish, prior to that she was all digging in the sand with the tip of her fishing rod and making me crazy. Such are the ways of little kids I guess.
It’s great that you are taking that you are taking that quality time with Eva. The memories you are making will last a life time. Believe me, I known that for a fact. My memories are of the old Red Rock Dinner that was on
Rt.1 where the Mall is now, and Fisher’s Lumber/ lunch counter in Wakefield New Hampshire. I was often told that my children were opinionated, I took that as a compliment.
I remember getting grilled blueberry muffins at the Red Rock and hot dogs, orange soda and chips in Wakefield. Those are some special memories of being with you. I guess that is what I’m trying to do with Eva. And she can he a little opinionated sometimes too. And that is a good thing.
Nice bass. I remeber going fishing all the time growing up with my dad. We used to hit all the lakes around town. Turnpike, Merimichie(SP), Falls etc. We used to even cook up some of the bluegills. Not sure I would eat fish out of any of those lakes now. Not sure I should have eaten the stuff then, I am sure the EPA issue behind the englehard plant across from the old drive in theater were going on back when we were kids.
Good luck with the fishing.
Thanks. I can’t believe I caught that in Whiting’s Pond. It wasn’t a whopper by any stretch but it was one of the biggest I ever caught. I am pretty sure I would not eat anything I caught either, saltwater yes, freshwater, nope.
Great father daughter moments to cherish.
It was fun, not without moments of utter frustration but all in all what I write is what I’ll remember.