Photo-A-Day #4381
A couple of months ago I won a Polaroid Prize Pack from a Twitter party hosted by Mantripping.com. The prize pack consisted of a Polaroid Zip printer, a Polaroid Cube+ and a Polaroid Snaptouch camera. These are really cool and I think that they will be a lot of fun on the upcoming trip to New Hampshire for Spring Break. It will also be fun to bring these along to Philly Brickfest Live. The Polaroid Cube+ can Livestream so that will be interesting to use at some point while filming built From Bricks or for something else. I’m not sure exactly how to use everything yet, but I will.
Filming today’s video was an absolute mess. Well, afterwards it was a mess. I was opening the Polaroid Snaptouch and it slipped out of my hands and landed on the floor. I think it still works but part of it popped open and it wasn’t the part that is supposed to open. hopefully it will still work. Then, after I took today’s photo I knocked over the new light that stays behind me when I make videos and I shattered the lightbulb. I’ve got to go and order a new one. That smashed real good.