Elizabeth at Mom Cooks gave me a Nice Matters Award. It is a bit girly for me. Here is what it looks like.

I tried this one with a Monster eating the award.

But I settled on Batman, he;s tough and manly. And I added fire.

It doesn’t quite matter what the image for the Nice Matters Award looks like. The point behind it is that being a nice person matters. Genevieve at Bella Enchanted created the award. I hope she doesn’t mind that I changed it up a bit.
Being nice to those who visit your blog matters and speaking nicely about others matters. Elizabeth recognized that in me. I recognize that in many other bloggers and here they are.
Allison – Well, my wife has to be the nicest person ever and she understands that most certainly Nice Matters.
Christine – Christine is so nice she has sent us things to review and she has let us keep them.
Meeyauw – She is a very nice person who has been awesome to communicate with online. She also takes a photo a day.
Lisa – Lisa busted it while participating in my last contest and was a very nice competitor.
Mo – My good friend Mo is one of the nicest people ever, even if her blog is called We’re in a Fight.
There are so many people online who have been very nice to me and they understand that the Internet isn’t made up of anonymous unfeeling people but rather real folk who care. And those folks care that being Nice Matters.
Congrats! Batman is awesome! Best super hero – ever.
I love that someone gave you a “nice” award and you criticize it as “girly” in an open forum! You are hilarious! Congrats on the big win:) You truly do deserve it!!!
Thanks so much for the compliment…it really is nice to be called nice:)
Thanks Jeremy, I was looking for a more masculine thing to use for this award.
Elizabeth who gave the award to me was wondering if she should give me a “girly” looking award. And honestly it is a little to flowery and stuff for a guy, so I told her I would butch it up a bit. I looked for things like monster trucks and stuff and was going to put the image on a huge bicep or something but I got overly creative.
I know a blogger who knew you guys would feel like that and made a blue version (still with the flowers and lace) for you. But I can’t find it. She switched blogs and that seems to be lost.
But thank you! So much! Your words are so sweet and very important to me.
And despite the violent aspect of the Batman thing, I do like your new look on the award.
Oh I kinda thought the award was like a little flying carpet and batman was riding it.
You’re one of the nice ones and so deserving of such an award. I’ll have to work on a more nice and less violent one. I think I have an idea.