Visit to Stable… PAD #1043

Visit to Stable... PAD #1043

Today I had the privilege to visit the ‘stable’. The building was actually a carriage stable long ago, how appropriate. I’ve been in contact with the guys from Utterz ever since I won the first ‘moblie’ award at Blog World Expo. Randy, Michael, Chris and Sim respond to my Utterz often and I give them feedback on my user experience with the service.

The HQ is a mere 25 minutes (less if you don’t get lost like I did because I didn’t follow my instincts) from my office. After work today I changed into my Utterz gear (my Bessie shirt) and headed out. When I arrived I was met in the parking lot by Chris. This was great because I hadn’t quite remembered the full directions to where the office was located in the building.

Once in the offices I caught up with Sim and he showed me around. I was surprised at how few people worked at If you look at what the service does and the amazing capabilities you would think that there was an army of programmers hammering away all day every day to provide users with amazing services. Nope, there are only 6 programmers and one isn’t even in the building. But these guys do the work of that army.

Sim and I talked for a while and compared notes on gadgets, the joys of travel and using Then we were joined by Michael and we discussed what I thought of the system as well as other things having to do with Utterz. We walked through the new features and Sim showed me a few things that I had not seen before. And I use the service each and every day now.

The time flew by and I interviewed Sim and Randy towards the end of the visit. IT was funny, I thought that during the visit we would be uttering all sorts of things but we just chatted and ideas bounced all around the room, it was a really awesome day. I would like to thank Sim, Randy and Michael for taking time form their busy day to talk with and be interviewed by me. I had a great experience and can’t wait till the next time we can get together.

I was looking forward to making this video on the new computer but when I tried to turn it on when I got home it got suck on the startup screen. Looks like someone has to make a call to Dell tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Visit to Stable… PAD #1043”

  1. Wow, how fabulous is that?! 🙂

    what amazes me about what I’ve seen online lately, is you with utterz people, and Fab with IZEA, and other people with other websites, I was naive to the possibilities with the web, I had no idea people could actually meet people from these big sites online, ya know, just cool. 🙂

    Chica’s last blog post..Because it’s been awhile..

  2. It was very, very cool. Read my recent guest post on the IZEA blog and stay tuned for other upcoming posts because I am going to be making even more visits.

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