These are my Moo cards for IZEAFest 2008, Blog World Expo and also to bring with me to LA tomorrow. I’m so glad that they arrived in time. And look at the quality. I have never had business cards that were so awesome. The box that they came in included little file tabs so that you could put your cards in the box as well as cards from other people. The tabs say “Theirs” and Mine” That is an innovative little addition and it certainly makes me want to order from Moo again. The turn around time on these cards was incredibly fast too. I had them in a matter of days, I thought I would be without cards unless I ordered over a month in advance.
I choose two images to represent me on the cards. One is my Photo-A-Day #1000 and the other is Photo-A-Day #1161. I think that those two were pretty good representatives of me. I think I also would have chosen Photo-A-Day #972 which was also a good picture of me. But I did things quickly and didn’t quite think through all of my options. I think those would be the best 3 because I don’t take many photos of myself. On the reverse side is the image from the header of this blog.
Today has been crazy busy. I was trying to get all my camera’s charged, files offloaded, sign ups signed up and make sure my itinerary was all set for tomorrow. I fly out tomorrow at 6:00am EST and land at 10:45am PST (a quick stop in Cleveland). I make a mad dash over to the Hotel Angeleno to meet everyone and then we head out to the various locations for filming. We are going to be filming famous death scenes from movies set in LA. I looked up movies set in LA and Got this list from Wikipedia. Well, I think I am pretty well set for the next couple of days. I’ll be sharing tons of stuff with you as it I post it, look for my Utterz, Twitters and my latest site JumpCut. This is where we will be uploading footage once we have remixed it and made it ready to be submitted to Nokia Productions.
I want to thank Steph and Colin from WOM World / Nokia for everything they have done for me so far. I can’t wait to meet Colin in LA.
I also want to extend how sorry I am that my online pal Pete who is an awesome photographer and runs My GPS Cameraphone cannot come out to LA. It would have been so cool to meet another blogger that I know places like Entrecard and of course Second Shotz! We can blame “Fay” for that one.
Mobile post sent by BenSpark using Utterz. Replies. mp3
I immediately thought of SS when I saw the duck LOL. The cards look great, and people will definably remember you with their unique designs.
Chica’s last blog post..Awwwww Tia hearts me!
Yep, that is the Second Shotz Duck. It is funny how that came to be the logo, maybe a second shotz contest to update the logo.
I couldn’t afford the “big” cards, so I ordered new mini cards. Still use my pictures, so it works for me!
Alli’s last blog post..I love it when people take my suggestions!
I had a little in my PayPal account. Splurged a bit. Could only afford the 50 for now.
Those are so cool, Drew! Very nice. Have fun with this adventure. It is fun hearing all about it.
Karen’s last blog post..Heads or Tails Anniversary!
Damn,every time I see those cool Moo cards I think I need to order some up. I’ve got to get off my arse and do it!@
john’s last blog post..Email Etiquette
Thanks for the kind words, Drew (both verbal and written). I can’t wait to hear about what happens in LA!
And no, you cannot change the SS logo. It freakin’ rules.
pete’s last blog post..Almost Famous
I am really impressed with how they came out. Moo did an excellent job. As for tomorrow, check out those locations and you will see what is happening as it happens, or a little after that.
Order them, order them asap, they rock and I did not get paid to say that. I am so so impressed I would order them again in a second.
No problem man you are a person I’d really like to me. Later today I connected with two people who are attending. I found them through flickr and jumpcut. My username is BenSpark on jumpcut so friend me. And for some reason I created like 4 accounts. It was all very confusing but I think I have it nailed now. I’ll be posting a play by play on utterz which goes to twitter and my blog Google is Not God.
Glad you like the logo, Chica made it from my photo of the rubber ducky that looks very much like me.
Very cool cards! You will definitely make an impression with those
I didn’t know they started to do full size business cards! I love the minis that I have (and won’t need more for a long time yet), but those are awesome.
Jennifer’s last blog post..The Birthday Weekend
Your cards look FABULOUS! I love MOO’s products…I have like four different sets of mini cards and I love ’em all. I just got one set a new orange leather holder for them so that I can give out something different if I ever go on the job hunt again!
Lisa’s last blog post..Down The Ocean.
Already have, people really like them.
I like the minis too but the full size was best for all of my blogs to be put on the same card, they came out great!
Thanks very much. I think that they came out really nice. I am looking to maybe reprint with a few other designs as well.
Those are some really cool looking business cards! Congrats on being invited to speak for IZEA! That must be exciting!
Where did you get the cards? They’re really nice!
The cards came from Moo. Speaking at IZEA will be a good time. I am looking forward to it.
These are really cool looking cards. I think I would like some myself.
Thanks Martha,
Check out Moo for these sort of cards. Get some photos taken and go wild.