SpinVox, Say it, See it…

With SpinVox you can call a special number and the words that you speak will be transcribed into text that appears on your website. It works in many languages too. You can sign up for a free trial of Spin-My -Blog where you can call a number and automatically have what you say transcribed into text to put on your blog. It sounds pretty sweet and right at this moment the service is free. They will be charging for the service in the future but you will know well in advance of that day to decided if you want to continue with the service. I will be checking that service out to see what it is all about. You can also use Spin-My-Vmail to get your voicemail sent to your e-mail address as text. There is also Spin-My-Memo so you can get memos to yourself as text in your inbox. What about texting a large group of people you can use spinMyBroadcast and send your message to a group of people in one shot.

R-Mail… RSS feeds to your e-mail.

How are you reading all of the RSS feeds that you follow? I use Google Reader but I also learned about R-Mail from GeekBrief.tv. I’m going to try out R-Mail for a while and see if I enjoy getting my feeds delivered right to my e-mail instead of actively looking at them in Google Reader. So if you are interested in receiving updates from FlatWater you can subscribe below. Just enter your e-mail address.


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