Photo-A-Day #428 06/10/06

Okay, two days in a row where the Photo-A-Day didn’t go up till the next day. I’m easing up on the self imposed rules, they still nag at me but I’m working on it.

Last evening was my 10 year College Reunion. The way that my college does reunions is that every class that either has their 5, 10,15, etc… Reunion all come to the college for Reunion Weekend. I’ve been to about 6 or 7 of them in my lifetime. I volunteered at some, I had my 5 year, and when I worked at the college I went each year as a college representative.

I worked at the college from 1997 – 2001 and so I was there the whole four years with the folks from the class of 2001 (It was their 5 year reunion). I was even the class advisor for that time. So on more than one occasion last night I had some people from the class of 2001 ask if I still worked at the college. Nope, I had moved on when they had. It was great to see people though. Many of the 2001 alumni were good friends of mine, they worked as my RA’s and we spent time together. It was really nice to see them.

It was also very nice to see the people from the class of 1996. I spent quite a bit of time talking to some folks with whom I hadn’t talked with much in college. There were a bunch of people I didn’t even get a chance to talk with and there were some folks whom I really wanted to see and were so glad that they came and we got to talk and reminisce. Then there were folks whom I really hoped would have come but didn’t. But it was really great to reconnect with some important friends. And it was really nice that they got along well with Allison.

Allison even had a good time meeting some of my former students. I was able to show her that they all didn’t hate me for being a mean RD. That is Residence Hall Director, of which I was one for 4 years. A couple of students came up and told Allison that I had kept them from dying, getting in trouble and generally making an ass out of themselves. I said, “See hon, not every one of them thought I was personally out to get them.” I have to say that overall I was a pretty laid back RD. I miss that job sometimes, not the 2:00am nights with drunken morons but being there for my students was important. The free room and board didn’t hurt either.

It was nice to see the people I worked with when I was a staff member of the college, it was nice to see everyone. I liked college, I liked the people who went there and I was very happy to have gone. However, next time we are skipping the dinner and heading just to the tent. This was the first time I had paid for a reunion weekend ever and although it was nice to do the dinner, the meal wasn’t worth the price of admission.

Ken and Alicia came over to the tent, He’s a ’95 and she’s a ’99. We got to talk with them for a bit and Alicia showed Allison around some of the dorms. Here is a bonus picture of Ken. He doesn’t come to this blog so he won’t see it. There was a fiesta theme to the tent this year.

Don White show Recap

Last night Allison and I went with Neil and Andrea to see Don White perform at the Jimmy Tingle Off Broadway Theatre in Davis Square. Jimmy Tingle is one funny guy. I had never seen him before but had heard of him. I would certainly like to see another show at the theatre. It was great, we parked at Alewife, caught the T and we got there walked around Davis Square and when we went to pick up our tickets we caught up with Neil and Andrea. We had dinner and got back to the theatre about an hour early and sat at a table that was practically onstage. I was three feet from Lawren when he came out and played with his Dad. That is how close I was.

We started the evening off by going to the BBQ restaurant Red Bones. Red Bones was a pretty tasty place. We got our tickets so that we could get a discount on dinner and as a group we ordered the easy dinner for 4. It had ribs, pulled pork (like Allison wanted any more pulled pork this month let alone this week, yes next time we make it we will have more people over to share in the meal), a half chicken plus big bowls of beans and coleslaw. We ordered a round of hush puppies as an appetizer and I have to say they were just … eh. I mean they in no way rivaled the hush puppies at the Outlaw BBQ in Foxboro, the standard by which I measure all hush puppies. But they were okay. Dinner overall was a good meal in an interesting place. The downstairs was decorated for a black light party and had some interesting art on the walls. One picture looked like a demonic Scooby Doo and Shaggy as kids. It was …… Interesting.

The Jimmy Tingle Off Broadway Theatre was a fun time. We got there early, got the good seats and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Jimmy Tingle came out first and warmed up the crowd. That was so much fun, he had us rolling. His humor is on the political vent but I still enjoyed it and could laugh alot. After Jimmy Tingle was done we had a brief intermission and then Don White came on for his first set. Don White was filming a DVD and more than likely we will be in it because of our seats, which is pretty cool. He did alot of the stuff we had seen before, I find it funny but I am not at the point of laughing out loud anymore. So maybe I won’t be on the DVD. Don White did alot of his standards and he has a fairly new bit about the Red Sox winning the World Series that is a riot. I keep wondering when this book he is writing is ever going to come out, I’ve been hearing the one same story over and over at each show. Each time it is further embellished but in essence the same story. Don you gotta give us another story from the book, they are great stories, let’s get this thing published. I really want to read it.

Don’s family was there including his often talked about Daughter and Wife. His son Lawren was there too with his new wife, he must be coming up on his 1 year anniversary sometime this month if it hasn’t come up already. Lawren did his Winnie the Pooh song, which I always enjoy. Don did the Brown Eyes Shine song after the story about the Weaky, weaky, weaky wheels. If you haven’t heard that story it is worth buying his Live in Michigan CD for that alone. But what I really enjoyed about Brown Eyes Shine this time was that he didn’t do that pounding on his chest thing when he sang some of the more poignant parts. I don’t know, I find that distracting, he’s got a great voice, I never found that chest reverb thing to enhance it by much.

After the show we went to get some ice cream at JP Licks there in Davis Square. They have some great ice cream and make some awesome ice cream cakes. I got the Negative Chip Ice cream and it was fantastic. I love Chocolate Ice cream with white chocolate chips. I don’t like white chocolate in any other venue but coupled with chocolate ice cream it is great.

Then we drove up to New Hampshire in the pouring rain to stay over night because Today is my 10 year College Reunion. We are going to head over to Saint A’s sometime around 5 or 7, I haven’t decided yet.

Yesterday was also an important date because 1, it was my Father’s birthday. And 2. it was 5 years ago that Allison and I got together. At my 5 year college reunion.

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