Photo-A-Day #4392
Brian (From Built From Bricks) and I drove down to Oaks, PA for Philly BrickFest LIVE. We took the Kia Sorento down for the trip. DriveShop and Kia provided us with the car for a week. It was a great ride down. so nice to be talking with Brian all through the ride. It made the trip go by so quickly.
When we arrived we went right to the Oaks EXPO Center. We unloaded Brian’s MOCs and claimed our space. then we walked around and met a bunch of people. I went to a special class for animating LEGO bricks. I learned some fun stuff from David from Brick 101. I made a great Stop Motion video using Stop Motion Studio. It was so much fun and I learned some great techniques. Then I made this movie called Dagnabit!
We hopped out and got some Chinese food which we brought back to eat while participating in the charity auction.
We attended an auction and I bid on some Avengers sets and got them for $25, which was a good deal. I donated a LEGO Dinosaur set that went for $81! I can’t believe how much that set went for, I only got it for free because of a mistake and tried to send it back. I had it for over 2 years now. Glad I could help raise some money for the Charity auction.
Later that night we went to a bowling activity and it was so much fun. We bowled with teams of 5 and as each person bowled their frame they had to go back to a table and build part of a LEGO set as a race. My team did not win but I did win the set in a raffle. Brian did, too!
That Woody is so amazing, I love it haha!
Such A Awesome video bro keep doing whats ur doing