Photo-Hunters: Red 12/01/07

Photo Hunters BlogRoll

Photo-A-Day #813 06/30/07, originally uploaded by BenSpark.

I took this using my XShot at this year’s BotCon convention. Optimus Prime is what I think of when I think of the color Red.

Tomorrow morning at 8:00am I am starting three contests. You may enter from December 1st to December 15th. Then from December 16th to December 30th voting will take place to determine the winners of each contest. Here are the links for each contest.

Speaking of Contests. My blog was nominated to be in the 3rd International Blog Cup Voting takes place from December 1 – 7. My friend Mark from The Green Fingered Photographer nominated me for this contest. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please pop over there for the next 7 days and give me a vote. thanks.

24 thoughts on “Photo-Hunters: Red 12/01/07”

  1. Thanks Robyn, Yeah that is pretty much me to the core. Autobot for life. Heh. Gonna teach Eva all about the Transformers.

  2. Hi Drew,
    Which ones Optimus Prime as you know ‘tranformers are robots in disguise’.
    Good luck with the blog cup, I think the trick is do just enough in the first rounds to get through then go for it in the latter ones as your voters might get fed up towards the end of the month.

    Cheers Mark

  3. Ah, see you understand, We aren’t sure which one is Old ‘Op. I will heed your advice on the blog cup, thanks for the nomination.

  4. Thanks very much. It was one of those things that I said, if I don’t go back and take that Photo I will be thinking about it all day long.

  5. aaaahhhh your transformers, right? I’m thinking of actually getting that oneshot now. It seems I need it more than ever. I will gladly vote for you.

  6. Yep, me and the Transformers. I love ’em. I’m going to be teaching Eva all about them. The XShot is a great product, I love it and I may even have one of my videos on TV when a segment about it airs on CNBC.

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