Photo-A-Day #1874
When I got home from work today I did some grilling out back. We had some tasty hot Italian chicken sausage. While I grilled Eva played at her sand table and with General. General is getting his strength back a bit. He’s such a good dog. So sweet and gentle.
After our dinner Eva and I went out to the front yard and played bubbles. Allison came out and the three of us had a great time in the front yard. The light was incredible and I kept trying to get Eva to go to an area where the light would be behind her so I could get some nice backlit photos. Backlighting is fun to do and late afternoon/early evening or what is called the “Golden Hour”. That time of day and that type of light just makes everything look so nice. I probably should have done a little change to the white balance though. It looks a little blue. I may try and fix it if I get this printed. |
Great capture here Drew! I love it.
.-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for Babasfarmlife =-.
Thank you so much Deborah. Have I told you lately how much I truly enjoy every comment you post here. Thank you for that.
This is an amazing photo. I LOVE it. I always read your posts via email but just had to come over and comment on this photo. She is such a doll and I love how the bubbles turned out.
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Chevy’s Mother’s Day Interview of Daughter =-.
Thank you so much for reading the posts through the e-mail. I must figure out how to entice people to come and comment here more often especially on contests. Did you see that I have one going right now for the photo Day calendar, that is a beautiful item.