Photo-A-Day #4231
It was a nice day at home. The kids had fun playing together and they also helped me with a couple of videos. One is going to take me a while to complete but the other one is a Pop Rocks Challenge. I was at Five Below this past week and bought a mess of Pop Rocks. One package of each color and I wanted to see what the kids thought of Pop Rocks. The kids have wanted to try out these candies for a while. Eva has never had them before, but Andrew tried them once and he liked them. Eva has been fearful of them a bit but she agreed to try them out. I think that they got a lot of laughs out of the challenge. Andrew loved it. They also loved it when I put a bunch in my mouth and then tried to talk.
Allison worked on Andrew’s birthday cake for his party tomorrow. He’s having a Finding Dory themed party at the karate studio. What he doesn’t know is that he gets to cut his cake with a sword. He’s gonna flip. I have to make sure to get that on video. It should be a great time.
And speaking of Finding Dory. We watched the movie this afternoon. Well, I watched for a bit and then started to fall asleep so I went up to bed to rest before work. Tomorrow will be a busy day.